Part of the latest. So far untitled.
'If you force your creativity you only get 2nd class rubbish, so I am obliged to find something to do till my head is ready to squeeze out a bit more'
Ivor Cutler
Thanks Ivor now I do n't feel bad about lurking around my allotment and being in the garden till the small hours! Stuff the neighbours! I am waiting for the muse to strike! That stash of denim hoicked out of a box is looking better than I imagined. I have been working from a black and white photograph. The image is a microcosm in its own right. I love denim fabrics and they look better when they get old and break down and age. There is a sense of comfort in the cycles of its manufacture, use, wear, break, stitch, use, fade, re-dye, re-use, repeat. It makes me feel safe and part of something. A very wise something. I think we all need to appreciate cloth more - especially utility cloth.